Dieticians Recommended Herbal Tea for Amazing Health Benefits - Pink Feather Blog - Women Bloggers

Dieticians Recommended Herbal Tea for Amazing Health Benefits

Getting health benefits just by consuming Tea! That’s right as these are not just ordinary tea but made from edible dried fruits, flowers, herbs, and spices, thereby known as “Herbal Tea”. Herbal Tea comes in a wide range of flavors and tastes and is the best alternative for other sugary beverages. Such Herbal Tea has been used over centuries as a home remedy to treat various ailments and to seek a natural way of healthy living. Therefore, it’s no hidden secret that drinking Herbal tea is a way better option to heal, rejuvenate, and induce energy for a healthy lifestyle.

Many studies have shown that drinking Herbal tea daily can prevent a lot of severe health conditions. Dieticians suggest that, adopting a small change of drinking herbal tea every day can benefit body systems like the improvement in immune and digestive systems. Also, reduces inflammation and body pain, it relieves cough and cold during sickness as it helps to induce relaxation in the body. 

Such Flavored herbal tea is rich in antioxidant that reduces the level of free radicals and relieves stress. Dieticians stated that there is no downside to the benefit of consuming Herbal Tea. As many studies have shown that drinking Herbal Tea as a healthier alternative to other sweet beverages, can help to lose weight more naturally. Moreover, some Tea shows positive results to prevent neurological diseases, diabetes, and warding off cancer and heart ailment. 

Let’s find out the different Herbal Tea and their Health Benefits:

Chamomile Tea: Chamomile is a flower that belongs to the daisy family. It is one of the herbal teas that contain no caffeine therefore sipping chamomile before bed may aid sleep and support immunity. It’s beneficial for women suffering from premenstrual syndrome. Chamomile tea is renowned for calming and sedating properties that work to reduce anxiety and induces relaxation. Also, rich in antioxidants, that effectively reduce depression, headaches, and migraine. Its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antispasmodic properties relieve symptoms of the common cold and improve blood sugar, and insulin levels.

Peppermint Tea: Peppermint Tea is another one of the healthiest options, it doesn’t contain caffeine and is a calorie-free beverage. It’s packed with menthol, which helps to support the digestive system and relax the gastrointestinal tract. Its minty flavor is refreshing, cool, and leaves a tingling sensation. Peppermint tea helps to settle an upset stomach and reduces inflammation and pain. The menthol soothing properties like antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, and antiviral properties in a tea relieve sore throat, nasal congestion, headaches, migraines, and chest pain.

Ginger Tea: Ginger tea is made from a spicy root from the ginger plant. Ginger tea has its unique characteristic taste and smell due to gingerols, a compound found in ginger that helps to cure morning sickness and ease digestive stress. Ginger tea is a well-known remedy to treat symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and motion sickness. It helps to relieve menstrual cramps, and constipation, and prevent stomach ulcers. Ginger tea is rich in anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antioxidant properties that provide several other health benefits like boosting immunity during winter. It tastes much better when paired with honey and lemon. It’s more effective with a sore throat and cold.

Hibiscus Tea: Hibiscus Tea is made from dry hibiscus flower, a refreshing pinkish-red color tart drink. It has a slightly mild sweet flavor of cranberries that can be served both hot and cold. Several studies have demonstrated that consuming hibiscus tea over a few weeks helps to eliminate free radicals and prevent the growth of tumors. Also, regular drinking of Hibiscus tea aids in weight loss improves overall liver health and prevents the formation of kidney stones. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in Hibiscus tea that significantly helps to control systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Green Tea: Green tea is branded as one of the healthiest teas. It belongs to the Camellia Sinensis plant that’s well known for its medicinal properties. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that protect skin cells from free radicals in the body. Also, polyphenol’s properties help to boost brain and heart health. It prevents the risk of heart strokes, and neurological disorders aid in weight loss, and many more.  The leaves of green tea go through a process of either being steamed or roasted. However, Chinese green teas are pan-fried and roasted giving an earthy toasty flavor. whereas Japanese green teas are steamed giving a floral vegetal flavor. Gunpowder green tea and Sencha green tea are two famous Chinese green tea whereas Matcha green tea is famous in Japan. Green teas are best to prevent cancer and oxidative stress in the brain.

Rosehip Tea: Rosehip tea is derived from the pseudo-fruit of the rose plant. Rosehip tea is a naturally caffeine-free beverage and also one of the herbal plants that are the powerhouse of vitamin C. It tastes floral which is a slightly sweet and little tart flavor. Rosehip tea rejuvenates your senses as it’s rich in antioxidants that protect from free radicals. Being rich in Vitamin C, Rosehip Tea supports the overall immune system and shows significant therapeutic benefits. It supports heart health, controls blood sugar, and induces weight loss. With anti-inflammatory properties, Rosehip Tea cures mild pain, sore throat, joint pain, and skin concerns like eczema.

Lemongrass Tea: Lemongrass tea is one of the most commonly brewed tea, this native herb grows in Srilanka and India but also different parts of the world. Lemongrass tea is a refreshing and soothing tea loaded with multiple health benefits, having a slightly tangy and citrusy flavor of lemon. This amazing herb has been commonly used in Asian kitchens for its amazing health benefits. Sipping Lemongrass tea gives boosting health benefits to people with heart-related issues like arterial stiffness, lowering cholesterol, and stroke. Reduces the inflammation in the body and relieves anxiety. Lemongrass tea provides vital nutrients to skin and hair that protect from skin infection and free radicals. Lemon grass streamlines digestion and thereby relieves the bloating aiding in weight loss. Adding lemongrass tea to the daily diet helps to boost the overall immune system that protects from common flu and cold.

Let’s have some Herbal Tea!

Herbal Tea helps in detoxification, aids in digestion, reduces inflammation, boosts immunity, relieves stress, supports weight loss, and anti-nausea. These benefits can have both short-term and long-term effects on health. Herbal tea comes in a variety of delicious flavors packed with health-promoting benefits. Simply drinking tea helps you to relax and enjoy the health benefits. Herbal tea heals your body and mind as they are naturally free of sugar and calories. For any severe health problems, always consult a doctor before drinking any herbal tea. Remember, Herbal teas are not your replacement for your medications, so Sip Wisely!

What’s your favorite Herbal Tea? Let us know…

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