Why You Need to make a New Year’s Resolution - New Year Resolutions - Best Women Blogger in India - Best Tips For Women 2023

Why You Need to make a New Year’s Resolution 2023

It’s the time of the year when we make New Year’s resolutions, we ask ourselves “what did we do well in our life this past year?” and think about “What do you want to achieve in New Year?” something that can make you feel proud of.

New Year resolutions teach an important concept called “self-efficacy”. It allows resetting the button and taking a sense of control over what’s happening in life. It’s a goal that we set for ourselves for our well-being.

Understand and identify the right resolution that fixes your life, and makes you a better person. The nature of the resolution goal doesn’t have to be difficult, it could be as simple as, “Self-improvement”! Something that connects with you because the resolution is all about you namely, adopting a healthy lifestyle, choosing happiness, self-care motivation, getting rid of toxic habits, and so on.

“Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens”, Louise L. Hay. All we need to do is shift our mindset and create a lifelong change that we’ll cherish throughout our life. We create a vision within ourselves of what we want, in terms of possibilities but acknowledging your vision as the highest that we can seek. Just make a habit to write it down, make a journal, and follow through until we succeed. Our outcomes could be short-term, long-term, or year-round.

We always try to create resolutions based on the current reality that exists at this moment. Instead, try to focus on what is attainable, what is easy, and what things can be possible to achieve. For example: Spending more time with your family, remembering to be grateful for the bounties, investing more time in relationships, acknowledging the beauty of nature and surroundings, and pushing yourself for a healthier version, etc.

We set a resolution with great determination, follow it for a week or so, and then give up! Despite the hardship, only a few succeed to achieve them. But your resolution won’t fail this year, only if you set it right.

Even if you fail, don’t worry all is not lost because at least you invested your time and energy to prioritize things that are important to you. Here are reasons why setting them and keeping them are so important!

It Will Help You to Become the Person You Want to Be

It’s important that you set yourself a New Year’s resolution that allows you to listen to your inner self and amend new changes to see the transformation process. You tend to focus more on yourself on “what you should be” rather than “what you want to be”. Since your resolutions are more defined and specified, you can recognize your potential and identify your limitations. You have the skills and abilities that can shape your future version. You work on increasing your psychological strengths, emotions, thoughts, and actions to align all together to achieve your resolution goals. You free yourself from the mask and disguise life that you have been hidden all these years. Accepting your flaws and fear help you to overcome obstacles and insecurities.

Provide Stability in Life

When you make resolutions, you consider three main areas of your life- your work, relationships, and current situations. You are empowered to seek goals more constructively. You feel satisfied with what you have, rather you want more. You ask yourself- are you satisfied? what truly brings stability? You enlist down tasks and chores you need to complete; you start working on your productivity. Once you’re accustomed to your new habits, following a routine becomes your nature. It’s a point in life where you learn to accept that you can’t control the past but you can mold your future. Your focus shift to moving forward in life as you work on the areas that bring joy and happiness. You connect with people who understand you and offer support, encouragement, and guidance. Being blessed with a stable life is fundamentally essential to your happiness and fulfillment.

Resolutions Motivate You Every Day

Resolutions drive you to be who you are. It gives you a sense of direction to have a clear understanding of “what you want” and “why you want”.  When you create a vision, you know its purpose, ensuring that you work towards achieving goals without being pushed. You can transform your fear into a motivational tool of action. The constant fear of losing and not being good enough set you back. Your fear is an illusion of your negative thoughts and motivation helps you bounce forward from setbacks. Resolutions allow you to unleash your inner strength.

Bottom Line

Remember that making New Year’s resolutions and striving to fulfill them will positively impact your well-being. Maintain a journal to keep a track of your small progress as this small accomplishment will keep you motivated. The whole idea is to keep trying, don’t stop. Start over again just commit yourself to bring positive changes. Be kind to yourself and embrace the change.

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